Tears in the Rain Philipp Brunner, Livorno, Tuscany, Italy # 02/11/14 Tags: Metal, copper, Weathered, Wall, Sign, Letters, rust, Bricks, Caps
Ghosts around Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 12/07/14 Tags: Ghos tsign, Facade, Building, Shopfront, Weathered, hand-painted, Paint, Wall, Stone
Chris Foraita, Vienna, Austria # 14/06/14 Tags: Straße, Eingang, Tür, Verwittert, Wand, Street, Door, Entrance, Wall, Name, Weathered
Horror House Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 25/03/14 Tags: Gost sign, House, Weathered, hand-painted, Paint, Wall, Stone
Gibralter on moss Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 25/03/14 Tags: Gost sign, House, Name, Weathered, hand-painted, Paint, Wall, Stone
Ghostsign over architects Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 25/03/14 Tags: Gost sign, Shopfront, Weathered, hand-painted, Paint, Wall, Stone
With or without you Philipp Brunner, Mauer, Vienna, Austria # 20/03/14 Tags: Trash, Metal, Sticker, Caps, Weathered, Destroyed, rust
Highway to the center Philipp Brunner, Mauer, Vienna, Austria # 19/03/14 Tags: Wood, Sign, Orientation, Caps, Handmade, Weathered
Made in Vienna Philipp Brunner, Prater, Vienna, Austria # 14/03/14 Tags: Caps, Vienna, Portal, Wall, Gate, Vintage, Weathered
Take action Lesley Paterson, Edinburgh # 13/03/14 Tags: Animals, Dogs, Foul, Help, Information, Instruction, Instruction Plate, Sign, Social, Weathered
Enter another dimension Philipp Brunner, Prater, Vienna, Austria # 13/03/14 Tags: Weathered, Bricks, Wall, Paint, Sign, concrete, Structure, Arrow
The house Erna built Philipp Brunner, Mauer, Vienna, Austria # 10/03/14 Tags: House, Wall, Sky, Caps, Facade, Weathered
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