Terms of Use
Users of Typemuseum confirm their authorship for any content they upload to the platform and that they are the owner of all usage rights to the content.
By electronically transmitting photos to the Typemuseum, users assign the rights to Typemuseum, to use, save and publish the content unexclusively, free of charge and with no restrictions regarding location or time, in modified or unmodified form on the internet, or any other media, without the obligation to state the author.
Users of Typemuseum.com release the provider of Typemuseum.com of any and all claims made by third parties regarding the uploaded content. In case of a legal dispute, the user is obliged to support the provider of Typemuseum.com against any asserted claims.
The provider of Typemuseum.com holds the right, to remove the uploaded photos from the website at any time. The user is not entitled to archiving of the uploaded content.